at Westbury Park
Some children are identified as having Special Educational Needs or a Disability (or SEND). This means that for varying reasons they cannot access the curriculum in the same way as the majority of the children in their class and may need either extra support or different resources to help them. The need for extra support, and the type of support we put in place, is constantly assessed and reviewed as part of our Assess Plan Do Review cycle, which involves planned assessment points throughout the school year, review meetings with the SENDCo and Senior Leadership Team and structured short burst intervention programmes.
Contact our SENCO
To contact me, please leave a message for me in the office, ring the school on 0117 3772676 or email me, Claire Reed, at:
Information for parents
On Wednesday 19th June 2024, we hosted a coffee afternoon with opportunities to talk to SEN professionals. Click below for the information shared.
Latest SEND Information and Policy
Click here to see the SEND policy.
SEND INFORMATION REPORT - Our SEND information report is designed to answer the most commonly asked questions from parents and carers.
Click here to read our SEND Information Report
Click here to read our Accessibility Plan
SEND Code of Practice
Click here to see the SEND Code of Practice , which came into effect in January 2015.
Graduated Response
Click here to see our graduated response, a diagram showing how we support children with SEND. For a clearer breakdown of what we can offer for each of the 4 areas of the SEN Code of Practice, and at what stage, please click the links below.
includes dyslexia, working memory issues, dyscalculia, ‘dyspraxia’ (developmental coordination disorder), dysgraphia
includes ASD, communication disorders, speech sound issues, DLD
medical conditions, hearing or vision difficulties, physical handicap
Social & Emotional Mental Health
attachment disorder, ADHD, ADD, anxiety, trauma (ACES), bereavement
HNB - High Needs Band Funding
SSP - Systematic synthetic phonics
ELSA - Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
Where to find support
SEND and You are a good source of information. They offer help and advice around all aspects of SEND in schools. This was previously known as 'Bristol Supportive Parents.'Bristol Local Authority now has a duty to provide what is called a local offer which provides a great deal of information about the support available for children with SEND in Bristol.
What is Bristol’s SEND Local Offer?
Bristol’s SEND Local Offer website is a single place of information about services and support for children and young people from birth to 25 years old who have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND), and for their families and carers.
All councils must publish a Local Offer. To tell you what support is available for families of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).