Our Vision
At Westbury Park, we are dedicated to fostering a vibrant PE curriculum where children engage in enjoyable and high-quality physical activities within a safe, supportive environment. Our vision is to inspire them to have a lifelong love of an active lifestyle. PE will also help to key life skills and qualities such as teamwork, self reflection, resilience, independence, fairness, and tolerance.
Our Sports offer
At Westbury Park, we are lucky to be able to offer a varied PE experience for the children, making use of the fabulous sports facilities we have in our local area.
Whilst in EYFS and Key Stage 1, children benefit from both our playgrounds and hall to learn ball skills, team games and dance/movement.
In Key Stage 2, children go off-site for their PE lessons for the majority of the year to enable them to have experience of all sports that our site is not able to facilitate in the same way.
We make use of the fantastic tennis provision that Redland Tennis Centre have and we are able to use both Horfield Leisure Centre and Clifton High for swimming lessons. Kellaway playing fields and Shine offer excellent sports grounds that we are lucky enough to be able to have access to: this gives children opportunities for forest school and team games that require large spaces.
What do the children say?
“My favourite thing about PE is when the big children in Year 6 do team games with us. They cheer us on a lot!"
"I think the best thing about PE is swimming. When I was in Year 3, I was quite scared getting in the pool but now I'm in Year 4, I'm quite a good swimmer and I don't even need to put my feet down!"
"Rounders and athletics are great in PE because we can use the whole space. There is a 400m running track so we can run like the athletes do in lanes."
"I like the dance that we do in the hall. We did African dancing this year; I've never tried that before."
curriculum coverage

our core enrichment offer
As part of our core offer we aim to ensure that every child has had the chance to experience the following during their time at Westbury Park Primary School:
Access to high quality sporting venues
Opportunities to take part in Sports Festivals with other schools
To take part in a inter school competition/sporting event
To take part in a House tournament
To take part in a school sports day
To have access to a variety of extra curricular clubs
To take part in outdoors and adventurous activities outside of school grounds
To be a sports leader, peer mentor or wellbeing champion
Through the local sports partnership, children have the opportunity to take part in a broad range of competitive events during the school year with other schools, including cricket, football, cross-country and sports hall athletics. These opportunities enable children to work as part of a team, learn about winning and losing and develop motivation and resilience.