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Držati dobrobit i emocionalni razvoj djece iznad svega

Svako dijete smatrati pojedincem i imati visoka očekivanja od svih

Promicati sretno, sigurno i poticajno okruženje za učenje u partnerstvu s roditeljima

Slijediti širok, inspirativan i obogaćujući kurikulum koji potiče i slavi postignuća u svim područjima učenja

Osposobiti djecu za budućnost kako bi postala samopouzdane osobe, odgovorni građani i cjeloživotni učenici

Služiti lokalnoj zajednici u najboljem interesu učenja sve djece

Podržati lokalnu obrazovnu zajednicu i raditi s lokalnim školama, razumjeti naše uloge i odgovornosti u svijetu



Love of Learning

+ Enjoying learning and taking pride in our work

+ Developing interests and talents within and beyond the classroom

+ Looking at mistakes as learning opportunities

+ Sharing with others the excitement of new ideas and experiences

+ Celebrating each others’ achievements



+ Respect for others regardless of any differences

+ Encouraging self respect and developing empathy for others

+ Being polite to others

+ Listening to and being considerate of the opinions and needs of others

+ Caring for the environment in school, around Westbury Park, throughout Bristol and the world



+ Being fair and friendly

+ Sharing willingly

+ Treating others as we would like to be treated

+ Remembering kind hands and feet and words

+ Knowing when to compromise

+ Smiling and using our manners to welcome and celebrate one another



+ Realising when we have done something wrong

+ Saying sorry and really meaning it, so we can start again

+ Trying our hardest to forgive others

+ Considering empathy and trying to put ourselves in the shoes of others



+  Thinking about the ways we can be responsible for our learning

+ Becoming Westbury Park Citizens and taking responsibility for our actions and for the world around us

+Having the opportunity to influence our world



+ Being open and honest

+ Feeling safe and secure

+ Showing loyalty to our friends appropriately

+ Building relationships that help us all to thrive in our school environment

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