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Our Vision

At Westbury Park, we aim to inspire children to develop an appreciation of and enthusiasm for mathematics. Children will have sound knowledge of mathematical skills that they are able to apply to other subjects and real life contexts. They will understand the value in making a mistake and have the ability to problem solve independently and as part of a team. Children will have a passion for the subject of maths and will have the ability to challenge themselves when appropriate. Our mathematical curriculum fosters a transferable set of skills, including those that are unique to maths, as well as characteristics of learning that support all areas of life-long development.

Supporting your child at home

Pomagati djetetu u matematici kod kuće može biti izazovno ako niste bili u učionici i učili s njim. Ispod su priručnici za svaku godišnju skupinu, koji detaljno opisuju metode koje se poučavaju i koriste na satovima matematike. Uz vizualne prikaze nalaze se videozapisi koji objašnjavaju kako djeca koriste metodu u učionici. Imajte na umu da KS1 videozapisi stižu uskoro!

Nadamo se da će vam ovo pomoći da podržite svoje dijete u učenju matematike kod kuće.

Fundemental mathematical skills

Vjerujemo da postoje temeljne matematičke vještine koje će djeci pružiti temelj za njihovo učenje: vremenske tablice,  brojčane veze i formalne pisane metode. Ova područja matematike isprepletena su u većini naših lekcija, kroz pjevanje, testove, diskretnu nastavu i podsjetnike u učionici. Nešto više o metodama koje koristimo možete saznati u našim pravilima izračuna.

What do the children say?

"We always add more to our learning in maths. We learn little bits each year. I'm in Year 6 now and I can use long division. Before that, I had to learn to share, then use bus stop and then think about remainders. Now I can divide large numbers with a new method."

"I love it when you learn something completely new. You think it is completely new and then you realise you are using things you already know, like your times tables."

"Sometimes I need some help to get me started or I will draw it out on my whiteboard to see if I can do it myself."

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