at Westbury Park
Westbury Park Primary School is a multicultural school; approximately 67% of the pupils are White British. Our school has 14 out of 17 possible ethnic groups with a number of different languages being spoken. The school location deprivation indicator was in the least deprived of all schools. The pupil base is in the least deprived of all schools in terms of deprivation.
The school population represents many different religions.
Click here for Our Objectives Plan
Click here for a link to the Accessibility Plan (on SEND webpage)
The school adheres to statutory equal opportunities procedures when recruiting and promoting staff. The Governors and Senior Leadership Team have responsibility for overseeing and reviewing equality procedures.
Our curriculum promotes children’s understanding of equality issues including community cohesion, gender roles, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. The school also takes part in anti-bullying week and has a rigorous e-safety curriculum that includes cyber-bullying.
All reasonable adjustments are made to ensure the school’s physical environment is suitable for all students.
Before introducing important new policies the school assesses their potential impact on equality. The school also has rigorous safeguarding policies in place including procedures to tackle bullying in all forms. The school has a clear disability accessibility plan in place.
At Westbury Park School, we use a variety of data sources to track the attainment and progress of all groups of children including, but not limited to, gender, ethnicity and special educational need. Should the school identify an underachieving group of children, additional measures are put in place to enable each child to reach their potential.