Accessing the booking system
Parents requiring a place or places at the Club must register each child to be able to access the booking system. This is charged at £15 annually and can be paid through the Parent ‘Gateway’ system. Existing members must re-enrol at the end of the summer term for the following academic year.
The booking portal is opened three times a year to allow you to book two terms in advance. The date and time that the portal opens will be published in advance. Bookings for the next term open 4 weeks before the end of the previous term. An email is sent to the whole school a week before with the date the bookings portal opens. This day varies each term opening.
For step by step instructions about how to book and pay (including with child care vouchers), please visit the school website here.
Waiting list
If places are at capacity, a separate waiting list is operated for each of the different age phases on a daily basis. The age phases are EYFS and Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 and Year 4-6.
To be placed on the wait list you must e mail the club manager at ms.kingdon@westburyparkschool.co.uk and state the day and date you would like a place. Please note the manager works Monday to Friday between 7am and 9am and 3.15pm and 6.15pm. You will not receive a response outside of these hours
The waiting list is operated on a first come, first served basis with the exception of siblings who will have priority for the same days as a sibling already attending.
You will be contacted as soon as a place becomes available. If an applicant is offered a place, but does not wish to take it up immediately, the place will be offered to the next child on the list.
Equal opportunities and additional needs
The Club is committed to equal opportunities and will ensure that staff receive relevant and appropriate training and appropriate action is taken wherever discriminatory behaviour, language or attitudes occur.
Our Club recognises that some children may have additional needs or physical disabilities that require particular support and assistance. We will assess the individual needs of each child in consultation with their parents prior to their attending the Club, and will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that children can access our services and are made to feel welcome.
Where one-to-one support is required we will assist parents in accessing the funding required to provide the additional care.
In exceptional circumstances, the school may approve admission to the After School Club for Safeguarding reasons, or for children with an exceptional need. There is no guarantee that admissions under these circumstances will be approved, and if approved may be for certain days only and for a limited time. All applications of this nature will be referred to the Headteacher for approval.
The attendance of children of members of staff will receive special consideration where the staff member is required to be at school after hours.